Tahmina Sorabji

Photograph of Tahmina Sorabji, Disability and Grants Officer

Contactable on email and Teams

Email: tahmina.sorabji@jesus.ox.ac.uk 

Tahmina Sorabji, Disability & Grants Officer 


The Disability & Grants Officer acts as the College's Disability Coordinator supporting students with disabilities and shorter-term conditions, facilitating reasonable adjustments, and disseminating information, as appropriate, on students' disabilities. They also act as the College's Hardship Officer working with students in financial difficulty. In this role they also oversee the College's undergraduate Access Bursary Scheme. 


Tahmina originally studied graphic art at the University of the Arts London and worked as a graphic designer at the British Museum. In 1997 she completed a foundation course in Art Therapy at Hertfordshire University. She went on to complete a BA Honours degree in Community Art with Education at The Roehampton Institute and worked in youth arts provision. In 2000 she obtained a CELTA and taught at Westminster Adult Education Colleges teaching English to asylum seekers and refugees. Using that experience she went on to work as a volunteer mentor with The Children’s Society, mentoring young people who arrive in the UK as unaccompanied asylum seekers. From 2016 she spent six years teaching art and PSHE and in Student Support with Leamington LAMP, an award-winning, arts-based alternative education provider, for students with a diagnosis of autism, ADHD, Specific Learning Difficulties and/or mental health issues. In 2018 she undertook a foundation course in Counselling in Schools from Oxford University. In 2021 she graduated from a Postgraduate Certificate in Psychodynamic Counselling at Oxford University.